Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Things Challenge

The new year has begun and my husband and I have decided to join the 2014 Things Challenge. You can find the specifics here. The gist of the challenge is to get rid of 2014 things during the year. The second part is that for every thing you bring into the house, you get rid of one thing. AND all of this should be done in the most responsible way possible....meaning not just tossing everything into the trash can. I am a borderline hoarder so I am really looking forward to getting rid of some clutter and making my home more comfortable. Last night I boxed up 201 magazines to donate to the library! 201! It was amazing how many magazines fit into this one shelf and they were so dusty (which obviously means I wasn't doing anything with them!) So I am ready for the challenge. Here's to a lighter 2014!

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