Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Beginning to look a LOT like Christmas....

My hubby and I are on vacation this week...and it has snowed twice!  Our backyard is a wintery playground for the dogs and they have thoroughly enjoyed romping in the snow!  We currently have about 10-12 inches of snow in our back yard!  On the one hand, I would love to have a white Christmas but on the other hand, we have to go back to work on December 27th and I would like the roads to be clear!  Also, my daughter's friend, Mary is driving in from San Diego and is expected to arrive around the 27th or 28th so I really hope that the roads are clear enough for her to make it here. 

This week has been such a blessing.  We have been able to sleep in, watch movies, read books and even bake!  I am really relaxed and there has been no tension in the house!  It is really amazing what getting enough sleep and relaxing will do for your attitude!  The only problem is that the days are going by really quickly!  Before we know it, it will be time to head back to work!  But all in all, I am so grateful that I have had this time to spend with my family! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Pic

My husband and I attended a Christmas party this past Saturday and this is the photo that they took while we were there!  I always love the fact that my husband is willing to act goofy with me and he's secure enough not to care what other people think!  You gotta love a man like that!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Free Crafting E-Book

I am ALL about things that are FREE so I was thrilled to find this Free Crafting E-Book.  It is called "The Ultimate Guide to Upcycling" and it looks like there are a ton of cute ideas inside!  Go to request your copy today!!! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Introducing..... A Scrap Meddler

My Fabulously talented friend Cris has created her own blog! She is SUPER creative...we call her a CRAFTY BEEYOTCH! Stay tuned to her blog for some GREAT ideas! She is a real ROCK STAR!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chaos Reigns!

So I am sad that Halloween has passed me by this year with very little notice! I did not put up one single Halloween decoration in my home. Shocking but true.

This summer has been filled with one catastrophe after another and I am just reeling from all of the madness. In May we had to replace our hot water heater. In June/July we had to have MAJOR electrical work done and that was soooo not in the budget. Then in September we had a flood caused by heavy rain and an incompetent contractor. The same day as the flood, we also had a leaking skylight due to roof damage. So we are in the process of getting our roof replaced, fighting with the contractor's insurance company to pay for the damage to our home from the flood and basically trying to figure out which way is hope. You dream of buying your first home but no ones sits you down to tell you the reality of home ownership. Expense after expense after expense. Add in to all of this madness a half finished painting job in the main part of the house, a kitchen floor that desperately needs to be replaced and off-white carpet that the dogs have ruined and you can begin to see why I feel so overwhelmed.

I realize that I have so much to be grateful for and I do appreciate what I have. I just sometimes feel like we have had enough bad luck for any one family. Word of advice... NEVER buy a house from relatives. No good can come from the event and it will definitely leave you bitter and angry in the end.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Steampunk Digital Stamps

I am a HUGE fan of Tiddly Inks (a digital stamp company) and check often for new releases. I was thrilled to see that Tiddly Inks is joining up with Make It Crafty for a Steampunk/Victorian release on July 14th. Steampunk has been hot for a while and it seems to be becoming more mainstream so I am really looking forward to this release.

Catch up time.....

So I seem to have lost track of time and let my blog sleep for 9 months or so and I am trying to get into the habit of blogging at least a few times a weeks since I know I can't commit to every day yet! The truth is, I am a real technophobe and would prefer to be sitting at my desk with paper and pen than working on a computer. I am an admin and I spend a lot of time on the computer at work so when I am home, I am not at all interested in surfing the internet or playing on facebook.

My real motivation is that I have seen ads to join design teams for numerous stamp sites and one of the requirements is that you have a blog...and they want you to use it. Can you imagine? So I am going to try and be diligent about posting items to my blog and try to keep it up.